Jackson County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority

Start Brown.

Save Green.


The push to ‘Go Green’ is not just about energy conservation. Public opposition to greenfield development has led to increased restrictions, forcing businesses and venture capitalists to seek other options. Recent changes in environmental regulation have made brownfield redevelopment a very attractive alternative for developers and entrepreneurs, not to mention the Jackson community has nationally recognized success in Brownfield developments. Brownfield site redevelopment can provide companies an opportunity to build a tax base, rejuvenate decaying infrastructure, establish a good rapport with the community and revitalize depressed urban areas. There are also many monetary benefits to re-utilizing brownfields:
  • Tax incentives available on residential, commercial, and industrial new uses
  • Limited environmental liability for clean up actions on future owners
  • Public sector assessment and clean up cost coverage
  • Infrastructure (utilities, water, etc.) already in place at many brownfields
  • Self-satisfaction from saving green space and revitalizing property

Great Lakes Industry (GLI)/Fern Ventures

purchased the neighboring former Harvard Industries building, which ceased operations in 2002. GLI experienced business growth that required expansion of their operations beyond their existing 48,000 square foot facility.

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Klavon’s Pizzeria and Pub

In May 2014, Klavon’s Pizzeria and Pub opened a second restaurant, which is located in Vandercook Lake. To prepare the site; an old, deteriorating building was demolished and a new 8,500 square foot restaurant, with a huge parking lot, was constructed on the property at 1359 and 1361 Old McDevitt in Summit Township.

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Stone Village Condominiums

was developed in the 1880s.  In 2011, the property was acquired by Bennett Holdings, LLC who made significant improvements, preserving the unique and historic nature, and converted the buildings into to residential condominiums.

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Helpful links & resources



JCBRA Board Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 a.m. at One Jackson Square, 11th Floor in the East Conference Room. If you need to reach JCBRA Staff, please call Debbie Kelly or Andrea Clary at 517-788-4455.