Success Stories

Lomar Machine & Tool

Lomar Machine and Tool Company is a family-owned and operated business with a growing network of customers worldwide. Specializing in the design, manufacture, and assembly of diverse, innovative machine applications and perishable tooling. Lomar has become an industry leader in the aerospace, automotive, agriculture, medical and military markets. Lomar’s 40th anniversary was marked in 2016 with the ground breaking of its sixth Michigan facility. The project will add new jobs and retain existing positions in Jackson County. Throughout the nearly decade long decision making to start this building, Accelerate Jackson assisted Lomar in planning and preparing for the growth opportunity. A significant achievement of The EG group was their assistance in securing a grant with the Michigan Department of Transportation to reconstruct and widen the road leading to the new building. This grant will allow for appropriate drainage, removal of weight restrictions to ensure year-round shipments, and improved safety for Lomar employees and its neighbors.

Commonwealth Associates

Commonwealth Associates was structured in 1988 after engineering employees of Gilbert Commonwealth learned the Jackson office was closing. Gilbert Commonwealth began in 1888 with the incorporation of the pioneering Jackson Electric Light Works by W.A. and J.B. Foote. At that time, Gilbert Commonwealth had been acquired by another entity. The acquirer simply didn’t think Jackson was economically viable any longer. The group believed otherwise and immediately took action to structure a new company to maintain a name well-respected in the electrical power industry. Many individuals who had previously worked with the founders of the company were brought in to lend their expertise.

In 1992, Commonwealth opened a regional office in the state of Washington to serve clients in the northwestern United States. In addition to smaller satellite offices, an office was opened in Kennesaw, Georgia, in 2008 to serve their clients in the Southeast more effectively. In 2015, Commonwealth Associates expanded into Downtown Jackson with a suite of offices in the Commonwealth Commerce Center, the original home of Gilbert Commonwealth. In December 2016, Commonwealth Associates, Inc. announced they are building on the corner of Louis Glick Highway and Blackstone Street in Jackson for development of a new national headquarters for the engineering firm, bringing 150 employees downtown.

Commonwealth employs nearly three hundred professionals in the STEM field, who provide consulting, design, and support services to the electric power industry, industrial clients, government, and high-profile academic, research, and health care institutions across the United States and in Canada. Robust investment in infrastructure combined with “Engineer of Choice” awards by several large national utilities have resulted in hiring growth that has exhausted existing office space.

Airmaster Fan

Airmaster Fan Company’s history originates in 1886 as the first electrical fan was patented by the Diehl Fan Company. During the next hundred years, Airmaster acquired the Chelsea, Brundage and Power Line Fan companies and marketed each brand separately. To streamline operations, sales and marketing of circulation/ventilation products were consolidated in 2002 to one name, Airmaster Fan Company. 

In 2013, Airmaster was purchased by another family business from Germany, the Maico group. The Maico group is a globally recognized leader in ventilation products and they are known for their product quality, reliability and reputation. Maico also brings additional new market opportunity, fan innovation and product expertise to Airmaster. Under new leadership, Benjamin Braitsch, the new President of Airmaster, worked closely with EG Staff for site relocation assistance, and to discuss expansion plans to accommodate their growth.

In 2016, Airmaster, and their 30 existing employees, moved across town to the former American Corrugated facility at 9229 S. Meridian Road on US 127 in Columbia Township. EG Staff collaborated and led the effort with Consumers Energy and Comcast to ensure internet service was provided to their new location.


Chemetall is a global leader in customized technology and system solutions for surface treatment. Chemetall’s products are developed for cleaning, protection against corrosion, sealing, improving paint adhesion, and facilitating the forming and treatment of metals. In 2012, Chemetall US, Inc., opened a new cutting edge facility in the Jackson Technology Park SmartZoneSM in Blackman Charter Township.

The $25 million investment built a 200,000 square feet building to house administration, manufacturing, warehousing operations and a physical testing laboratory, with room to grow. From this investment, 18 jobs were retained and 62 were directly created. An additional 200 temporary construction jobs were created with the O’Harrow Construction Company. Chemetall produces 900 products at this plant. As a measure of dedication to environment sustainability, Chemetall has installed a semi-automated waste treatment system to reduce process wastewater by 90%.


HCL America is part of HCL Technologies, a global employer, providing engineering, automation, and architectural services to public and private entities throughout the United States.  It also provides professional consulting services to a wide array of Fortune 1000 Clients. HCL works with various industries such as health care, hi-tech and manufacturing, education and financial services.

In 2012, HCL choose downtown Jackson, Michigan for its Midwest Regional Headquarters, entitled the Michigan Technology Development Center. Along with a $3.35 million investment, HCL created 120 jobs in the City of Jackson, and is expected to create a total of 300 new jobs in the next 5 years.

Technique Inc.

Technique is a Michigan-based prototype manufacturer, specializing in low volume metal stamping, tube bending and laser cut tubing. Technique provides for various industries across the US including, automotive, heavy truck, agriculture, off-highway vehicles, recreational vehicles, household appliance, military, aerospace and rail car. Technique is the largest supplier of NASCAR chassis components.

In 2012, Technique, Inc, opened their new $12 million facility in the Jackson Technology Park SmartZoneSM. The 110,000 square foot facility was built on a 14.3 acre site.  This investment consolidated approximately 50 jobs from three Jackson County Technique facilities and is expected to create about 25 new jobs within the next 5 years. In 2017, Technique is anticipating building a second facility across the street.

Full Spectrum Solutions

Full Spectrum Solutions, Inc. has quickly grown into the leading manufacturer of energy-efficient, full spectrum lighting solutions for home and office applications. By working directly with world renowned research partners and testing facilities, including the California Lighting Technology Center at UC Davis and the Enhanced Spectrum Lab at the University of Michigan, Full Spectrum Solutions, Inc. offers more than 200 lighting solutions known and marketed today under the names BlueMax™, UltraLux® and EverLast®. EverLast® Lighting, Inc. is a sister company of Full Spectrum Solutions, Inc., which was founded in 1997, and has quickly become the leading manufacturer of energy-efficient lighting solutions for roadway, parking structure, facility and area lighting applications. They offer 43 lines of products with more than 4 models in each line.

In 2007, Full Spectrum Solutions made a multimillion dollar investment on a Brownfield redevelopment site, and began construction of what would become Jackson’s first LEED qualified building. In addition to transferring 25 jobs from their former outgrown facility, Full Spectrum Solutions committed to creating 10 new jobs within the next two years. Today FSS/EL, established in 1997, has 55 employees and is experiencing significant growth.

ADCO Products

ADCO Products manufactured a range of sealants and adhesives for application in a variety of industries, such as automotive and construction. On July 31, 2013, ADCO Products was acquired by Royal Adhesives & Sealants, LLC, from South Bend, Indiana. Royal Adhesives & Sealants, LLC is a leading global, privately-held company specializing in adhesives, sealants and polymer coatings.

In 2010, ADCO Products invested $16.2 million that lead to the creation of 212 new jobs while retaining 158 jobs in a company consolidation/expansion project. The investment included site infrastructure improvements, new shipping docks, machinery and a warehouse expansion. Personal property investments included manufacturing equipment, testing equipment and other IT and safety-related investments.


Gerdau Special Steel North America is the world’s largest supplier of Special Bar Quality (SBQ) engineered steel bars. Gerdau provides for the civil construction, industrial and agriculture sectors.Gerdau has plants in both Monroe and Jackson Counties, both of which are located in The Greater Ann Arbor Region (GAAR) .The GAAR leverages its combined assets and develops more effective means of engaging with targeted audiences.

In 2010, Gerdau announced a $67 million capital investment for the production mill in Monroe, Michigan. The large capital investment also indirectly benefitted the 250 employee Jackson County plant. The Monroe investment allowed the plant to improve reliability and quality, and increase its installed capacity by 225,000 short tons through 2013.