Jackson Challenge 2025
Built to stimulate the
Jackson economy
Research has shown that the two prime ingredients for economic growth in a community or region are a concentration of highly skilled and educated workers and a sense of place that offers amenities to attract and retain talent.
These amenities include quality education, infrastructure, housing and transportation. The EG and our partners must strive to make Jackson County an attractive location not only for business but the talent needed to grow our economy and encourage the formation of new business ventures. Jackson County is a logical place for new capital investment due to its strategic location along the I-94 corridor. The challenge has been providing shovel ready opportunities for that investment. With the groundwork for infrastructure underway for the new 181 acre industrial park, Jackson County must look to the future to identify the next area to target for future growth.
Accelerate Jackson (EG), the County’s economic development organization since 1997, has again reorganized and reinvigorated its efforts through their professional staff and a renewed commitment from its volunteer leaders and investors. The Imagine Jackson Initiative, launched in 2016, achieved a number of successes that created momentum and opportunities for enhanced growth and prosperity in the coming years. With the successful Imagine Jackson campaign coming to an end at the end of 2020; EG leaders and other stakeholders have been working to develop the next five-year plan – The Jackson Challenge 2025.